how much do you like msp

Sunday, 21 December 2014


I just wanna say to you guys BEWARE! of ANONYMOUS she is a hacker and a really powerful one aswell ANONYMOUS all started of a forum called LITTLE TEST well you know how you now have to be level 6 to do a poll or a forum well ANONYMOUS was level 1 and wasnt a VIP but could still create the forum LITTLE TEST well thats got you thinking hasnt it well ANONYMOUS must have done a hack because its impossible well not for ANONYMOUS so yeah watch out for ANONYMOUS because if ANONYMOUS takes over your account your account will be no more

Bye Peeps


I was in stage cafe when I saw this person called HotSwag007 it could be a possibility that this person is a hacker but im not sure maybe you could help me find out thx I will keep you updated with the hackers just to tell you to watch out 

Bye Peeps

Saturday, 20 December 2014

A little shoutout to my friend

This is my best friend she is a really good friend to me and she is really pretty so I thought I would give her a shout out so this is for you girl

Bye Peeps


This is Chat Ban on msp it starts at 12:00 am and finishes at 05:00am This is a stupid rule and it is really annoying I always forget about it and try to message my friends and then I get really annoyed comment if you hate chat ban if it was a thing I would punch it in the face so yeah dont forget to comment and if someone can please contact msp and report it because maybe if they get too many complains they might just stop chat ban HOPEFULLY 

Bye Peeps